January 15, 2025

Fitness Diet Logic

Maintain A Healthy Diet

Is Your Acne Getting Worse?

Sometimes, people have to endure years of acne before it finally starts to clear up, and this process is incredibly frustrating. But there is some good news! It is possible to avoid the acne escalation by following a few basic guidelines. Here are some ways you can use to improve your skin’s appearance and reduce the amount of acne breakouts you have. And, if you’re unsure of whether your acne problem is causing it to get worse, consider these tips.

When you’re using antibiotics for acne, you’re actually killing some of your skin’s good bacteria and making the problem worse. That’s because antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria. Once those bacteria start to thrive, your acne will get worse. Fortunately, many of the antibiotics we use today kill both the good and bad bacteria in our skin, which makes the acne worse! You can’t just remove the bad bacteria and hope that it won’t come back – you need to treat the root cause of acne.

Your make-up brushes can be a big cause of acne breakouts. These dirty brushes can collect bacteria and oil. Women who don’t replace their make-up brushes often experience recurring breakouts. Often, they’ll retouch their make-up after applying it to their skin, but this causes the make-up to become rancid and bacteria will multiply on it. The next time you wear make-up, wash your face properly to remove any bacteria that’s already on your face.

If you’re suffering from acne, you’re probably already aware that certain foods can irritate skin. If you have an undiagnosed food allergy, you’ll want to avoid these foods and make sure you’re adding in some good foods to your diet. For example, omega-3-rich foods and leafy greens like kale are great for the skin. And antioxidant-rich foods like olive oil and green tea can help clear up your skin.

There are also certain habits that can make your acne worse. If you’re constantly washing your face with soap or washing your hair with the wrong kind of detergent, your acne could be aggravated by your habits. If you’re not sure, you can visit your dermatologist, who can prescribe you antibiotics. Regardless of the cause of your acne, make sure you follow up on your treatment, even if it seems too good to be true.